Help us restore a National Landmark
The Arlington Street Church and its Tiffany Windows are part of the fabric of Back Bay, and Greater Boston. From the congregation’s origins in 1729, the Church has borne witness to great moments of American History. The US Constitution was ratified in the Long Lane Meeting House, leading to the street’s renaming as Federal Street. The current building has played host to Suffrage movements, the Dr. Spock Vietnam War draft protest, the first gay marriages in a church in the US, and more. However, the brownstone exterior is crumbling. In 2017, emergency netting was put around the steeple after the discovery of chunks of brownstone on the verge of falling to the sidewalk.
With the help of Bruner/Cott restoration architects, we are embarking on the full exterior restoration of this magnificent landmark.
Your donations support both our restoration and education work, including:
Restoring and maintaining the windows
Restoring the historic Arlington Street Church building
Making information about the windows available — including this web site.
When you visit us in person, your donations will be gladly accepted.
For more information regarding restoration efforts, please see our Restoration and Preservation page.
The Foundation for the Preservation of 20 Arlington Street, Inc. a separate, non-sectarian charitable 501(c)(3) organization.
You can give online with the button below, in person, or by mail.
Thank you for your generosity!
You can give by mail.
Please make checks payable to:
Foundation for 20 Arlington Street
Memo line: ASCTiffany Center
Send to:
Tom Hunnewell
50 Congress Street Suite 925
Boston, MA 02109
Foundation mortar issues
Restoration work
Building repairs